Jonah also holds on to a secret from his childhood for most of his life-that he was drugged and his music stolen.Do you think Goodman raped Cathy? Why or why not?.Why do you think Ash never told Ethan? Do you think he would have reacted differently to finding out if Ash had been honest with him? The biggest secret in "The Interestings" is that Goodman is still alive and in contact with his family.Did you have any camp or teenage experiences that were as formative as the six characters had when they attended Spirit in the Woods?.What did you think of Ethan's giving financial help to Jules and Dennis? Was that an appropriate expression of friendship? How can friends navigate very different financial realities?.Did you find the ways the characters had to adjust their expectations about life, love, and greatness relatable?.What did you think of Dennis and of his relationship with Jules? Was it good? Did you sympathize more with him or with her?.Mostly, she had given up her envy, had let it recede or dissipate so that she wasn't chronically plagued by it." Do you think Jules ever conquers her envy? Do you think her experiences at Spirit in the Woods and friendships with "The Interestings" actually made her happier? Why or why not? What if she'd turned down the lightly flung invitation and went about her life, thudding obliviously along like a drunk person, a blind person, a moron, someone who thinks that the small packet of happiness she carries is enough." Later, when Jules is reading Ethan and Ash's Christmas letter, she says, "Their lives were much too different now for Jules to have kept up a sustained level of envy. Early in the novel, Wolitzer writes of Jules, "What if she'd said no? she liked to wonder afterward in a kind of strangely pleasurable, baroque horror. Jules is one of the main characters in the novel, and one of her biggest struggles is contentment and envy.

"The Interestings" is divided into three parts: part I, "Moments of Strangeness " part II, "Figland " and part III, "The Drama of the Gifted Child." Do you think these titles or divisions are particularly meaningful to the story?.